What do we mean by community?
We take a broad view of community: a group who share common barriers, needs and goals, whether defined by geography, identity, interest, purpose, practice, or other commonalities.
How we support change
Our Communities focus area prioritizes work that rebalances power and centres communities in addressing their own needs. We aim to partner with and strengthen organizations and networks that reflect the communities they serve, and that represent their interests as they seek to address historical and ongoing barriers to social and economic justice.
Proposals will be evaluated not only for the perceived impact that their project is looking to have on a given community, but also on the level of involvement the community has in the design and implementation of the project. It is important to ask: how is the project fostering long-term systemic positive outcomes for the community?
To drive this focus area, the McConnell Foundation uses the four principles of equity, trust, community self-determination and collaborative engagement. These principles are centred around the belief that communities know what is best for them.