Learn more about our strategy to align our entire endowment with our mission and to achieve net-zero carbon emissions in our portfolio by 2050 at the latest.
Our investments
Our investment strategy aims to use all our assets to help create positive impact in alignment with our mission and vision. On this page, you can find an overview of our investment activities to date.
Portfolio snapshot
$655 million endowment
As of December 2022 our endowment was valued at roughly $655 million.
100% impact investing
We aim to commit 100% of our endowment to impact by 2028.
20% impact portfolio
As of December 2022, our impact portfolio represents 20% of our assets. We aim to increase this to 100% over the next five years.
Net-zero carbon emissions
We will achieve net-zero carbon emissions in our portfolio by 2050 at the latest.
Our strategy
Aligning our endowment with our mission
We believe that we have the responsibility to use all our assets, whether through charitable funding or investments, to amplify the efforts of organizations working to create lasting social and environmental change. Our investment strategy aims to commit 100% of our endowment towards investing for impact, while generating returns that fund our activities for the long-term.
We hope to help build a thriving impact investing market in Canada and accelerate the shift to an impact-first economy where all investments contribute to meaningful positive impact for people and planet.
Net-zero carbon emissions
In tandem with our investment strategy, we will achieve net-zero carbon emissions in our portfolio by 2050 at the latest. This is a necessary step in ensuring that our investments and our charitable activity are working in harmony.
Our strategy to reach net-zero carbon emissions will focus on real economy reductions in emissions and will prioritize a just transition that empowers those most vulnerable to climate change.
Explore our mission-related and program-related investment portfolio.
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