Have questions about how your work might fit with our focus areas? We’re here to help.
Our virtual office hours available to assist applicants in determining whether their project has sufficient alignment with our focus areas. Each focus area has designated office hours when program staff are available to discuss questions relevant to their area.
Office hours are not a mandatory step in submitting an application. They are an opportunity to check the eligibility of your project or idea and to explore how it may be a fit with McConnell’s focus areas. During office hours, we are happy to provide more details about our focus areas and share the lens through which proposals will be reviewed. However, we do not review nor provide feedback on draft applications.
Prior to booking an appointment, we encourage you to review the Communities, Reconciliation and Climate focus area webpages, as well as our Funding and Partnerships Guide. If you prefer to correspond by email, please write to us and we will be happy to direct your inquiry to the best person.
If the calendars below display “no available slots” it means that all appointment times have already been reserved. For more information or if you need assistance booking an appointment for accessibility reasons, please contact us.