Category: Investing
Building an inclusive and resilient climate economy in Quebec At the Future Economy Lab (FEL) we are bringing together a select group of organizations to pioneer a new way of nurturing entrepreneurial ecosystems that create inclusive and resilient economies. The first iteration of FEL launched in partnership between Maison d’innovation sociale, McConnell Family Foundation, SecondMuse […]
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This guide on impact investing is based on the McConnell Foundation's internal due-diligence process and it offers a framework to assess impact and financial risk and return of potential investment opportunities. The expected added value is in how to incorporate impact and strategic fit dimensions when assessing investment opportunities with an impact investor lens.
Resource LinkMcConnell started its journey of impact investing in 2007 when we made a $10 million bridge loan to finance part of the construction of Quest University. The loan was repaid in full with interest in 2009. This was an important milestone for us. The experience of making a direct investment in a grantee and making […]
Resource LinkThe second edition of our Impact Investing Report provides an overview of our impact investing approach, as well as an update on our efforts to align our investment strategy with our organization’s mission and vision.
Resource LinkOur third annual Impact Investing Report provides an update on the 2021 allocation of our impact investing portfolio.
Resource LinkThis full report provides a detailed look into our 2022 impact portfolio, offers an overview of our revised impact management approach, and shares more about our progress towards 100% impact.
Resource Link2023 marked the first full year of our new investment strategy and commitment to build a 100% impact portfolio by 2028. We’ve seen slow but steady progress as we embarked on a five-year journey, which has so far been marked by continuous learning and growth for all stakeholders — internal and external alike. The Impact […]
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Outlines seven actions that Canada needs to undertake, in parallel, to mobilize new sources of capital, create an enabling tax and regulator environment, and build a pipeline of investment-ready social enterprises.
Resource LinkComme suite au rapport La mobilisation de capitaux privés pour le bien collectif, publié en décembre 2010 par le Groupe d'étude, ce rapport d'étape souligne certains des développements découlant des recommandations du Groupe d'étude depuis la publication du rapport initial.
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Explore quelques-unes des conséquences du ralentissement économique pour le secteur communautaire du Canada et fait valoir qu'il est urgent de trouver de nouveaux modèles et des approches originales pour assurer la santé de ce secteur et maintenir le bien-être des Canadiens.
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