Imagine Canada

Background of organization:

The charitable and non-profit or community sector is a vibrant force in Canadian society, providing essential services and engaging citizens as volunteers in a wide range of issues, including health, environment, international development and education. The sector’s economic impact is considerable: it employs 2 million people and generates $112 billion in annual revenues – more than the
automobile and manufacturing sectors combined.

As the national voice for charities and nonprofits, Imagine Canada is well placed to advance the public and policy interests of the sector. It is recognized by governments, and well regarded by the private sector. It is a national registered charity with offices in Toronto, Calgary and Ottawa with 1,500 member organizations. Its mission is to support and strengthen charities and nonprofits so that they can, in turn, support Canadians and their communities.

Full Grant description:

Foundation support will help Imagine Canada to proactively assert a positive message about the community sector’s importance to communities and to Canada, and to coordinate responses to key issues. This in turn will help charities and nonprofits to confidently communicate their work to donors and the public, and to engage constructively with governments on matters of public interest.


  • 2012-2015
  • $ 600,000
  • Funding Type: Past Initiatives
  • Initiatives: General contributions

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Imagine Canada

To support Imagine Canada's National Engagement Strategy.

$ 110,000

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