Category: Evaluation
The purpose of A Developmental Evaluation Companion is the same as that of the original A Developmental Evaluation Primer — to introduce the concept to changemakers, and to the evaluators, critical friends and reality testers, who are their partners in that change journey. The aim is to provide an overview of the essential elements of Developmental Evaluation (DE) to […]
Resource LinkDE 201 : Guide du praticien de l'eévaluation eévolutive vise à tirer avantage des concepts eénonceés dans l'em>Abc de l'eévaluation eévolutive en exposant clairement quelques-unes des pratiques essentielles associeées à ce processus.
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Introduces the concept of developmental evaluation to potential users and provides some tools to support its use.
Resource LinkOffers insights about the youth engagement initiative, YouthScape, through the eyes of its Lead Developmental Evaluator.
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The developmental evaluation explores four inter-related aspects of the Nourish initiative: 1) Innovator Program; 2) Projects; 3) Network & Narrative and 4) Policy. The intent of this evaluation is to help the program staff, lead partners and project advisors examine how the initiative has started to take shape, adjust strategies, and assess early signs of […]
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The Foundationcategorys primer for those developing or referring an Applied Dissemination proposal
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A developmental evaluation of of an initiative and a competition that stimulated and celebrated innovations in First Nations, Métis, and Inuit education across Canada.
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