The Lighthouse, Children and Families, established in 1999, was created to provide three free programs of support and assistance for parents who have a child suffering from a degenerative or terminal disease or a serious disability requiring complex care: In-home visits; variable-length stays at Maison André-Gratton (up to 21 days per child per year); palliative care. It is the first and only pediatric hospice in Quebec and the fourth to open in Canada.
The Lighthouse, Children and Families is dedicated to assisting parents so they can take the time to rest, recuperate, and momentarily get away from the stress of taking care of their children all by themselves.
Full Description
The In-Home Respite Program offers respite to parents of seriously ill children in the greater Montreal area. Volunteers visit families at their homes 3 hours a week and engage children in activities adapted to their state of health, tastes, and interests to stimulate their senses and creativity while encouraging them to laugh, play, and fully enjoy the time they have.
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- 2007-2009
- $ 185,000
- Funding Type: Past Initiatives
- Initiatives: Supporting Family Caregivers