Founded in 1996, People for Education is an independent organization working to support public education in Ontario’s English, Catholic and French schools by combining scientific research with parent and teacher consultation in order to represent the “public voice” on education to government and the media. In 2013, People for Education introduced “Measuring What Matters,” an initiative that identified five dimensions of student success: creativity, citizenship, social-emotional skills, physical and mental health, and quality learning environments.
Project Description
In 2015, the Foundation funded People for Education to begin implementing Measuring What Matters in Ontario schools, while partnering with WellAhead in British Columbia. Results indicate that teachers are adapting, integrating new competencies into their work, and beginning to shift perspectives on students’ classroom experience. Over the next two years, a grant from the Foundation will allow People for Education to: refine and disseminate their measurement framework in Ontario; convene and engage stakeholders in creating consensus around approaches and measures to support student well-being and success; partner with WellAhead nationally, including contributing to national efforts to advance child well-being, by sharing data, learning and linking work in British Columbia and Ontario.
- 2016-2018
- $ 300,000
- Funding Type: Past Initiatives
- Initiatives: WellAhead