Background of the organizations
MakeWay Foundation
MakeWay — founded in 2000 as Tides Canada — is a national charity and public foundation that supports environmental and social change initiatives across the country. To their deep, trust-based relationships, they bring expertise and solutions that support community-led transformation. Each year MakeWay mobilizes approximately $14 million in grants to more than 300 community partners.
Since 2011, Innoweave has contributed over $8 million in capacity strengthening support to social purpose organizations across the country, by providing access to coaching so that they may learn and implement approaches that will help them clarify and achieve their desired impact. Through 900+ coaching engagements, Innoweave has helped hundreds of Canadian nonprofits and charities refine their strategy, enhance organizational performance, prepare to receive impact investments, and collaborate towards collective impact.
Project description
In 2023, Innoweave moved from the McConnell Foundation to Makeway Foundation. By joining MakeWay, Innoweave will grow and evolve to meet the needs of today’s nonprofit and charitable sector. Funding will be used primarily for regranting to social purpose organizations seeking capacity strengthening coaching, as well as administrative and operations costs.
- 2023-2028
- $ 7,500,000
- Funding Type: Focus Area Funding
- Funding Stream: Capacity Strengthening
Organization website and social media