Founded in 2006, the Strathmere Group is comprised of 14 of Canada’s largest environmental organizations. The Strathmere group enables its members to coordinate strategies and communications for greater impact. The Secretariat of Strathmere rotates and is currently assumed by Equiterre.
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Using shared public opinion research, Eco-Analytics’ aim is to help to ensure that diverse environmental campaigns and initiatives are structured for success in the current policy and political milieu. Eco-Analytics will commission an extensive annual national survey on Canadians’ beliefs and attitudes about environmental issues such as species at risk, air and water quality, and climate change. As well as making its research available to the Strathmere partners and paying subscribers, Eco-Analytics will carry out public presentations on findings to policy makers and educators at the local, regional and national levels.
- 2016-2018
- $ 150,000
- Funding Type: Past Initiatives
- Initiatives: Net-Zero Carbon Economy