Stories of impact and hope in 2023

In 2023 the crises of our time seemed to multiply. Climate change-fueled disasters like wildfires smothered North America in smoke, the cost of housing reached historic highs, and conflicts abroad created rising tensions and fear of violence in communities closer to home. Their implications disproportionately affect certain groups, compounding the effects of division and polarization. Today, we face the critical challenge of addressing these issues while also fostering openness and dialogue to counter division and support reconciliation. 

An illustration of an Indigenous man wearing traditional regalia. Next to him is written: “Nanâskomo Tahto Kîsikâw" in Nêhiyaw syllabics, or in English, “Everyday is a Gift”.

Fortunately, there is much hope to be found, especially in the efforts of community-based and community-serving organizations. Through our work, we witness how the contributions that people make daily, in ways large and small, are bringing healing, peace and wellbeing to the generations who will come after us. 

This edition of the Year in Review offers insight into the impact our partners are making in their communities, provides an overview of our finances and funding, including our capital transfer commitment, as well as a progress update on the commitments to which we hold ourselves accountable.  

The report also features six original artworks by Indigenous artist Bada Jean, commissioned to mark our 20-year anniversary supporting reconciliation and Indigenous-led initiatives. Bada Jean is an Indigenous and Welsh visual artist from Treaty 6 and 7 territories. Her roots come from Ahtahkakoop Cree Nation, and Tsuut’ina Nation. The pieces are accompanied by Bada’s descriptions of the cultural meaning behind the imagery she has created. We hope you enjoy exploring her work.  


Read our Year in Review