Equitas was established in 1967 by a group of leading Canadian scholars, jurists and human rights advocates with a mandate to advance democracy, human development, peace and social justice through educational programs. Equitas is a global leader in human rights education.
Full Description
This grant is to support the development of Play it Fair, an integrated program of games for children and training for staff that foster inclusion and peaceful conflict-resolution. The program was piloted in Montreal and then shared with several other municipalities across Canada. Over the past few summers the program was in use in hundreds of day camps across Canada and reached over 80,000 children. Several municipalities have now included the program as standardized training for volunteers and employees working with children.
- Awarded the Prix de la citoyenneté (Ann Greenup) in May 2009, recognizing exceptional efforts in the struggle against racism in Québec
- Awarded Honorable mention, Award of Excellence in Anti-Racism in Canada in April 2008 by the Canadian Race Relations Foundation
- Recognized as a best practice in A Compendium of Good Practice: Human Rights Education in the School Systems of Europe, Central Asia and North America by the Council of Europe, OSCE ODIHR, UN OHCHR and UNESCO and the Good Ideas in Integration on the Cities in Migration website.
Visit the Play it Fair site for more information.
- 2005-2008
- $ 300,000
- Funding Type: Past Initiatives
- Initiatives: Sport for Development